Anglican Parish of Fitzroy Harbour: St. George's Fitzroy Harbour & St. Thomas Woodlawn

Fitzroy Harbour, Ontario, Canada
K0A 1X0
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The Anglican Parish of Fitzroy Harbour (St. Thomas' Woodlawn and St. George's Fitzroy Harbour) serves Woodlawn, Constance Bay, Dunrobin, Kinburn and Fitzroy Harbour. We are a welcoming, inclusive, Anglican community that offers events and programs for children / youth, adults and seniors. Our Mission Statement defines us as a community inspired and strengthened by the Holy Spirit to Support, Share, and Serve in the world. How can we serve you?
Regular Sunday worship is:
St. George’s Anglican Church, 192 Shirreff Street, Fitzroy Harbour Sundays at 9:00 a.m.
St. Thomas’s Anglican Church, 3794 Woodkilton Road, Woodlawn Sundays at 11:00 a.m.
All Welcome! Please call the Parish Office for more information: 613-623-3882
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